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Explore all Personalization

Case Studies

Haleon Deploys Personalisation Infrastructure For Greater Relevance and Efficiency

The team at Haleon wanted to leverage dynamic creative optimisation (DCO) technology to drive deeper personal connections and scale those ad experiences across video and display.

It's All About the Creative

Converged TV marketers should lean into creative metrics. Learn how measuring creative performance helps to reach and engage audiences, and moreover, inspire action.
Press Releases

Innovid Brings Data-Driven Personalization to Walmart’s Demand-Side Platform’s CTV Advertising Capabilities

New integration helps Walmart Connect advertisers deliver more relevant ad creative to connected TV ads

3 CTV Strategies to Spur More CPG Brand Loyalty 

We're digging into data-backed streaming strategies to boost brand loyalty on CTV.

Mechanizing Your Media Ops with DCO: Future-proof for 2023

Learn what DCO is, when advertisers use it, and why there’s an urgency for your brand to adopt it now.

Fueling The Future of Creative with Auto Optimization

Innovid has added some notable additions to our existing Auto Optimization solution. Here are the big updates and what that means for you.

Scary Stories Consumers Tell in the Dark: Personalized Ads That Spook

What happens when personalized ads get too personal? Consumers get spooked — and Tweet about it. Learn how to maximize reach and minimize scare here.

*New* Ad Authoring Tool: Adobe Animate Composer 

Innovid is proud to present our newest addition, Adobe Animate Composer! You can now author dynamic ads that include interactivity and timeline-based animations through a seamless workflow.

How a Financial Brand Accelerated Engagement Through a Pivot to DCO

Personalization works. See how this financial brand leveraged Innovid's DCO technology to boost conversions halfway through their campaign.
Case Studies

Leading Financial Services Advertiser Personalizes Mid-Campaign To Boost Click-Through By Over 4x

Personalization works—learn how this financial brand leveraged Innovid's DCO technology halfway through their campaign to boost conversions.

AdTech on Deck: Understanding VPAID vs VAST

Choosing the right advertising tags for your video campaign can feel daunting. Get a definitive understanding of VPAID vs. VAST ad tags—and which will work best for your campaigns—here.

8 Cutting-edge QR Code Advertising Strategies

QR code advertising is so hot right now. Why? With QR codes, CTV advertisers can engage viewers at every stage of the marketing funnel. Here are 8 QR code strategies to take your interactive video ads

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