Enfamil Raises Awareness & Sparks Action with CTV

July 9, 2024

Enfamil Innovid


Enfamil was looking for a new way to reach potential customers to drive awareness and shopping opportunities for its formula. With Roundel’s shoppable creative format for CTV, Enfamil could lean into a growing consumer behavior trend: scanning QR codes while watching TV.


Roundel created a campaign that brought together the trusted Enfamil and Target brands.

  • The ads featured two creative approaches with varying CTAs (Scan to Shop or Scan to Add to Cart).  
  • To test performance among audience segments, Roundel tapped into shoppers who had purchased baby products from Target over the past six months and a predictive audience of Enfamil NeuroPro purchasers.


Campaign data revealed the effectiveness of shoppable CTV for Enfamil and key insights to carry into future campaigns, including that guests preferred the Scan to Shop CTA. The campaign generated >31% higher ROAS when reaching guests who had recently purchased baby products, indicating success with reaching broader audiences, including those open to switching brands or trying new products.

  • 3X Higher return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • 2x Higher sales per thousand impressions
  • 15MM+ Campaign impressions


Read the Case Study