GSK Consumer Healthcare Taps Into Personalisation to Improve ROI Nearly 20%
Goal:For one of GSK’s premier brands, Pronamel, cost efficiency was the name of the game. They were interested in the power of personalisation but wanted to prove that DCO’s incremental cost provided a true lift in performance. Having previously established benchmarks across multiple metrics, they set out to conduct a study to assess how much their ROI could improve when taking a personalised approach.Strategy:To tackle this challenge, Pronamel leveraged Innovid’s versioning technology and social integrations to build, upload, and optimise the campaign. Having a centralised feed allowed them to showcase unique messages for each of their audiences, even across walled gardens. For versioning, age and interests were leveraged to change the video and copy shown, and Innovid's rendering engine provided the optimal specs for each platform. This approach allowed them to layer personalisation into multiple elements with an efficient, scale-able workflow.Outcome:+19.4% Media Efficiency vs. Previous Year’s ROI (Based on IRi Study)+60% Increase in Purchase Intent (Based on Audience Project Study)-30% Lower CPM Across Social vs. Planned