Anheuser-Busch Benefits From 45% Decrease In Cost Per Unique Reach With Innovid

February 2, 2021
min read
ABI Case Study


Anheuser-Busch needed a solution that allowed them to go beyond standard impression insights and validate their planned reach and frequency, while also improving their overall cost efficiency across CTV publishers.


In coordination with The Trade Desk, Anheuser-Busch ran a programmatic campaign for Michelob Ultra across numerous CTV publishers, utilizing Innovid as their primary ad serving and measurement provider. Throughout the campaign, Innovid provided Anheuser-Busch with unbiased reporting which allowed them to make sophisticated campaign reach, frequency, and media cost-efficiency optimizations.

88% Unique Household Reach

2x Average Household Frequency

45% Decreased Average Cost Per Unique Reach

For more information on Innovid's measurement solution, contact us.


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