Can You Guess How These Global Brands Are Thinking About TV Advertising?

January 16, 2020
min read
CES panel pic

Innovations, discussions, and predictions—CES certainly brought up a lot of interesting angles on how the technology we love will change our lives this year. It’s safe to say the conversations around television were chief among the panels, with The Future of TV is Now series boasting a nearly standing-room-only attendance and lines down the hall. And no wonder! How often does one get to hear executives from General Motors, Activision, White Castle, PepsiCo and more open up about what excites them, the challenges they are facing, misconceptions and how they are approaching television advertising? 

The discussions were riveting, and while we could just tell you what they said, we thought it’d be more fun to highlight the key points in a quiz. Do you think you can guess how these industry heavyweights are thinking? There’s only one way to find out. Try your luck below.

To learn more about CTV, download Innovid and the ANA’s report, “The State of Connected TV Report 2020: How the Convergence of TV and Interactive Experiences Is Transforming Measurement, Creative, and Engagement.”



How did you do? Tweet us to join the conversation. To learn more about CTV, click here to download Innovid and the ANA’s report, “The State of Connected TV Report 2020: How the Convergence of TV and Interactive Experiences Is Transforming Measurement, Creative, and Engagement.”

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