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2024 Advertising Insights Report for Pharma

Pharma Advertisers: Innovid’s Data Helps You Connect, Engage, and Drive Outcomes with Your CTV and Digital Advertising

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Advertising Insights Report for Pharma

Innovid delivered hundreds of billions of video ad impressions through our ad server in 2023, which means we have invaluable and unparalleled insight for CTV and digital advertisers — especially for pharma brands. Our data-driven report, the 2024 Advertising Insights Report for Pharma, helps pharmaceutical advertisers like you understand how to connect, engage, measure, and drive outcomes in a media world where CTV is increasingly important. 

Here are the key high-level findings for pharmaceutical advertisers: 

  • CTV continues to grow. Almost half (45%) of Innovid’s pharmaceutical video ad impressions in 2023 were CTV, an increase of 36% since 2019. Consumers are flocking to CTV and leaving traditional linear TV behind. Advertisers understand this fact and are boosting their spending on CTV advertising. 
  • Advanced creative performs. Interactive CTV advertising delivered an engagement rate that outperformed interactive online video by almost 2x.
  • Case Study: How Haleon delivered strong CTR with DCO. The report also features a success tory showcasing how Haleon deployed dynamic creative optimization (DCO) to serve relevant messaging to various audience segments, ultimately delivering a 2.5x better CTR on YouTube for DCO video compared to standard video.     

The 2024 Advertising Insights Report for Pharma helps you understand what success looks like with your CTV and digital video ad campaigns.

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