Davis Elen Advertising Taps Innovid To Drive Unique Reach For Toyota

To separate themselves from the pack, Davis Elen Advertising revolutionized their buying strategy - working directly with device manufacturers and smart TV developers to maximize household-level unique reach while minimizing cost in-efficiencies for the Southern California Toyota Dealers Association (SCDTA). Davis Elen Advertising utilized Innovid’s ad serving capabilities and Innovid measurement solutions to evaluate the impact of their strategy.
Innovid’s analysis revealed Davis Elen Advertising’s smart TV device strategy was effective in maximizing unique reach (96%), mitigating publisher overlap (4%), while minimizing cost-inefficiencies (-35% CPU) during the initial test of their hypothesis for the Southern California Toyota Dealers Association campaign:
- 96% Unique Reach Percentage
- -35% Decreased Average Cost Per Unique Reach
- ~4.3X Average Campaign Frequency
- ~1.6MM CTV Households Reached