Volvo, Modi Media & Innovid Drive Sales Lift through CTV Engagement

July 29, 2019
min read


Auto giant, Volvo, teamed up with GroupM’s Modi Media and Innovid to generate increased engagement within their CTV campaign for the S90. To ensure the campaign yielded the desired results, they also enlisted Experian to measure sales lift.

Innovid Solution:

Innovid created a multi-dimensional, interactive video campaign on CTV, using existing content from the brand, as well as the unique second-screen capabilities of CTV to drive engagement with Volvo’s brand. The interactive video was delivered across Roku and Samsung devices and allowed viewers to explore the interior and exterior of the Volvo S90, receive personalized messaging based on their location, and enter their phone numbers for details about local dealerships.


The interactive features within this campaign yielded increased engagement with viewers, including:

Nearly 526,000 unique engagements.

95,500+ unique households engaged.

1200+ unique requests for more information via SMS.

+35% average sales lift vs. control group, as measured by Experian.

For more information on how to activate personalized video, contact us.


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