Innovid’s social responsibility
United Nations sustainable development goals
Innovid supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals were developed by the UN General Assembly in 2015 and serve as a blueprint for action for the planet, to be completed by 2030. The private sector plays a key role in promoting and achieving the UN Global Goals.
We’re pursuing many opportunities to effect positive change both inside and out. Our disclosures describe a growing commitment to make our operations more sustainable, to ensure our employees know they’re well supported, and to commit to do our best to manage risks and govern our practices.
We are pleased to present our inaugural corporate responsibility update. It is exciting to share with our stakeholders how we hold ourselves accountable for creating a more responsible, resilient and transparent company.
At Innovid, we believe that the consideration of all our stakeholders creates a stronger company and positions us for enduring long-term success. This is an ongoing, interactive, and constantly evolving process and, across Innovid, we’re reimagining the many ways we innovate our business, products, and services with a mind for delivering value and having a net positive impact on the world around us.

Learn more about Innovid’s social responsibility
Climate and sustainability
Consciously reducing our impact on the environment and taking actions to protect our planet
People, culture and equity
Actively implementing policies and creating a culture to support positive social impacts both within the company and beyond
Business ethics and governance
Consistently supporting strong corporate governance as a core principle in all aspects of the business